Biodesigns is a company that does the very honorable service of helping amputees and designing and developing prosthetic limbs and military grade limb enhancements. This site uses the Salient Theme.
Biodesigns is a company that does the very honorable service of helping amputees and designing and developing prosthetic limbs and military grade limb enhancements. This site uses the Salient Theme.
My Mission is to deliver the best User Experience possible in every product I have a hand in creating. These products have multiple settings and multiple users, ranging from a simple text-editor, to a WordPress Back-End, to the Front-End of a Progressive Web App. My empathy for the user always shows in my work, we’ve all had bad user-experiences. My goal is to eliminate those bad experiences one file / mockup / website / progressive web-app at a time.
© 2025 Ricky Adams, Web Developer. Th-Th-Th-That's All Folks!